Ten acceptable truth of life

1, Nobody is really thinking about you. If they are thinking about you, they will forget you ever existed after they get busy with their lives again.
2, Life is meaningless by default. You should make it meaningful. This is absolutely your own duty.
3, Nothing just falls into your lap. Nothing moves without you moving it. You can wish all you want but nothing will happen.
4, You are either controlled by fear or you control the fear yourself. You can waste your life fearing the unknown or you can jump and hope for the best.
5, Having no plan or a sense of direction usually ends up bad. Always have a sense of direction and know what you want and where you want to be.
6, You cannot escape the horrors of a bad childhood. It will always be there in your mind and it will affect you mentally. Self development is the key.
7, Don't ignore the fact that you will die. Do not escape that thought. Acknowledge it. It will set you free and make your lives much better. You. Are. Going. To. Die.
8, There is nothing on this earth that is as powerful as love, acceptance and respect.
9,  We had to be destroyed to be rebuilt. We had to be destroyed to understand more. There is knowledge in pain. The biggest changes come through suffering.
10, You are free. Absolutely free to be whatever you want. No one is holding you back. You only think things are holding you back. ← This is a little deep but you just need to think about it.

Written by Chocho

my deepest fear

''Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measures,we ask ourselves who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous. Actually who are you not to be,for we are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us and as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same''.


   Many years ago, the trending thought among young persons used to be. "Go to school, graduate and get a very good job" It was a very reasonable concept. It made a lot of sense because the environmental conditions supported such statements. But challenges began to arise. Employers began to demand more than what they were willing to pay for; doing everything possible to "stay in business" at the expense of the well being of their staff.

Due to the growing population words like
"Don't work for anybody oo...be your own boss."
"Start a business"
"Follow Your Passion"
Arise from know where
      These words were like honey to persons who had suffered and experience insufficiency caused by depending on the 'system' It made so much sense and a lot of young persons ran after "passion" Learning skills,
Setting up businesses around their passion, flaunting their creative ideas and enjoying the "business owner/entrepreneur" status(which is normal when you start as a young person).

   Then the title of CEO and "founder" came into being. But then we began to realize that a lot of "passion motivated" ventures closed down within a short time. The beloved CEOs  and visioneers turned their attention to "other important things" and it began to seem as though the "follow your passion thing" was a motivation that would only lead to frustration.

Why was it this way
   Well, in the midst of the numerous reasons I picked one fact. These persons did the right thing by following their passion. But they thought the fight would be easy. They expected the journey to be sweet and "without much stress" They wanted to wake up when they felt like.
Go to work when they feel like
Get paid when they want to a sweet idea they used to build illusion in place of expectations.
   But they forgot that waking up when you feel like can be as a result of working and tuning your hustle all night. There are days I stay in front of my computer working without having an idea of what the time is. Sometimes I spend so much time on a book cover concept that I forget many things.
   These "CEOs" didn't realize that passion can make you spend days in hunger. They couldn't embrace the fact that during the early stages of an entrepreneur's journey comes with mistakes, misfiring and sometimes losses.

   They flew in and flew out. Dropping their aspirations like bad habits. Have you walked away from your business, your vision, your ideas simply because you realized that it wasn't as Rosy as you expected? Can you count how many times you gave up just because it wasn't sweet at the beginning So you really expected it to be sweet?

You saw  Seun Robinson turning the world around through her books and you thought it was magic abi?

You saw Coach Edirin Edewor gaining  international recognition and you felt it's easy to run a Facebook group.

Entrepreneurship is NOT easy
Following your passion isn't wrong at all
Sustaining a vision is not impossible
Reaching your goal is not a myth
Running a Seven figure business is not for the "special ones" only
Every possibility lies within the confines of your willingness to KNOW what it takes to succeed and be COMMITTED to doing everything possible to get results.

   Make up your mind to stay strong. Allow yourself to start and push yourself to finish. It's not easy.. it never was, but I'm sure it will be as time progresses. Thats because life is in phases.

   And don't forget the place of SERVICE!!
Before you begin, please...serve!! Service gives you what books will not give you. Service creates you opportunities for you in ways you cannot imagine. That niche has dimensions and strategic ways of handling it's systems. If you want to dominate, serve first! For some of you, your clarity will come in the place of service.

Get a coach
Get a mentor
Be a volunteer
Offer yourself selflessly!

Roles of top manager in the world by Justice Rich

      A manager leads a department in an organization. He/She controls all resources in that department.
      He/She is task with the  responsibility to steer the department in the direction defined by the organization's mission, vision, goals and objectives. He/She has short-term and long-term targets to achieve, and he/she is answerable to them.
      Any person working in a managerial capacity of some sort is required to put on many different hats, for instance he/she is required to plan the operations and functions within his department and organize tasks and assignments by delegating them to people who are most capable of carrying them out.
      He must provide direction and guidance for each individual as well as the department as a whole for them to accomplish their tasks and achieve their goals.
      The Four Keys of Great Managers:
(1) When selecting someone, they select for talent … not simply experience, intelligence or determination.
(2) When setting expectations, they define the right outcomes … not the right steps.
(3) When motivating someone, they focus on strengths … not on weaknesses.
(4) When developing someone, they help him find the right fit … not simply the next rung on the ladder.

Key For Finding a Good Business Idea

      Entrepreneurship in it's truest form is about identifying a gap in the market and creating product of use to fill that hole and make people lives better.
    Genuine ideas are born out of a desire to solve a perceived problem in the society or environment, there are so many problems, difficulty, even scarcity and lack in your environment. these problems, difficulty and scarcity are pointer to potential ideas that can be developed to solve such problem.
     Remember all good ideas have not been developed, your problem is not lack of money but lack of ideas that will generate the money
     What if i don't have idea in my mind now? Then there is a problem, go get one through reading and reseaech. there are so many things you can do today to add value to your life and the life of others.