Ten acceptable truth of life

1, Nobody is really thinking about you. If they are thinking about you, they will forget you ever existed after they get busy with their lives again.
2, Life is meaningless by default. You should make it meaningful. This is absolutely your own duty.
3, Nothing just falls into your lap. Nothing moves without you moving it. You can wish all you want but nothing will happen.
4, You are either controlled by fear or you control the fear yourself. You can waste your life fearing the unknown or you can jump and hope for the best.
5, Having no plan or a sense of direction usually ends up bad. Always have a sense of direction and know what you want and where you want to be.
6, You cannot escape the horrors of a bad childhood. It will always be there in your mind and it will affect you mentally. Self development is the key.
7, Don't ignore the fact that you will die. Do not escape that thought. Acknowledge it. It will set you free and make your lives much better. You. Are. Going. To. Die.
8, There is nothing on this earth that is as powerful as love, acceptance and respect.
9,  We had to be destroyed to be rebuilt. We had to be destroyed to understand more. There is knowledge in pain. The biggest changes come through suffering.
10, You are free. Absolutely free to be whatever you want. No one is holding you back. You only think things are holding you back. ← This is a little deep but you just need to think about it.

Written by Chocho

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