Key For Finding a Good Business Idea

      Entrepreneurship in it's truest form is about identifying a gap in the market and creating product of use to fill that hole and make people lives better.
    Genuine ideas are born out of a desire to solve a perceived problem in the society or environment, there are so many problems, difficulty, even scarcity and lack in your environment. these problems, difficulty and scarcity are pointer to potential ideas that can be developed to solve such problem.
     Remember all good ideas have not been developed, your problem is not lack of money but lack of ideas that will generate the money
     What if i don't have idea in my mind now? Then there is a problem, go get one through reading and reseaech. there are so many things you can do today to add value to your life and the life of others.

Seizing Opportunities

  Making your first million involve risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, you just need to step out because you need the million.
  Opportunities don't come knocking every day, when you find one seize the opportunities, do not allow fear or self doubt on this journey be a stumbling block, especially if you second guess yourself and turn down potentially lucrative opportunities.


Emotions, particularly fear and negativity, are two of the biggest obstacles to overcome if you want to become a millionaire. And there's research that backs this up.
According to Barbara Fredrickson, a positive psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina, negative thoughts, like fear, narrow your mind and focus. Positive thoughts, however, are able to open your mind to more possibilities and options. Furthermore, positive emotions also enhance your ability to build skills, as well as develop resources you can use later in life.
Millionaires aren't afraid to step out of their comfort zone and take calculated risks. If they fail, they'll learn from that failure so that they won't repeat the same mistakes again.


                                                                 TIP FOR THE FUTURE
  • The future is no inherited but the future is earned
  • You creat wealth by serving people and solving problem


              Anytime your output exceeds your input on anything you do,  you are riding to the road of failure.

                                          Never spend more than what you get